Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Baby Girl Pierce

Melissa writes....

My name is Melissa and my husband's name is Edward but everyone calls him Eddie. We are expecting our first child, a little girl, due in September. We have a major problem--We CANNOT agree on a name for this baby!!! We have gone back and forth for months, but everything he likes I hate and everything I love he thinks is too old lady! It's a nightmare! We just have really different tastes: He loves popular, trendy names (bleh) and I love long, feminine classic names. Naming a boy would have been much easier. We agreed on a boy name! He would have been Jameson Maxwell. Our last name sounds like Pierce. We already have a family middle name that begins with an R. So we would rather have a first name that does not begin with P or R.

Some names that he likes...


Names that I love...


Naming a baby is harder than you thought it would be, isn't it? No worries, MANY A COUPLE has battled the same battle as you and your husband and MANY A COUPLE has come to a compromise that they both are happy with.

It's interesting that you say that you don't like popular names, because several of the names you have mentioned have been growing in popularity in the last several years. Scarlett, for example, according to the SSA, has made an expediant jump from number 941 in 2000 to now 114 only 10 years later. Although not as drastic, both Aurora and Charlotte have made significant jumps in popularity the last several years, Charlotte being the highest at 45. All three of those names are ones that are increasing in popularity, where as ones that your husband prefers are ones that were VERY popular at one point and are now juuuuust begining to decline.

So lets think of some names that you both might like.

Scarlett makes me think of Juliette. Juliette is so sweet. It gives you the classic feminine long name you like, but it gives you some nickname possibilities that your husband might like, such as Julie or Jules.
On the other hand, if you are planning on using Jameson for a future son, then it might be a good idea to steer away from the J names for your first child.


Madison makes me think of Madeline. It has the same beginning sound, but it has a more feminine ending that might give you that classic feminine sound that you want.

Or what about Evangeline? Evie is an ADORABLE nickname that I just die over. Evangeline Pierce. Evie Pierce.

I know that its SUPER popular, but I'm throwing it out there because it might make you both happy. Isabelle. Yes its trendy, BUT, it is ALSO classic, traditional and feminine. And let's face it, it is a beautiful name! Isabelle Pierce. Love it!

You have time before your September due date. Look, search and find something that you both love. My favorite for you is Isabelle.

Happy Baby Name Hunting! :)

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